Saturday, March 08, 2008

It feels great to sit in Starbucks.


With a cup of hot Cafe Latte,

a plate of Starbucks's Uglier Curry Puff (it's very yummy) ,

my laptop Lala,

while listening to jazz (the sound system was right below my seat).

hahhaa..nice nice nice...!!

I'm loving the every moment I spent my private time.

But guess it will be better if I could get to spend such quiet time with someone unique. Arg..whatever......(juz some casual thoughts)

And i love the customer service provided by Century Square's Starbucks. The people are really very friendly and polite. Jus simply make my evening session a brightful one. =)

Furthermore, the cafe plays jazz....ahhhhh... =))))

Got to see different types of people, and different types of couples, just by sitting there alone and silently... hahaa..

Felt so much relaxed even though I was reading up my FYP literature review.

And I simply love jazz. =)

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