Tuesday, March 25, 2008

was, as usual, in EERC.

This time, HM was there too..!! haha..

and yup, she agrees with me too - EERC is a great place to work in. hahah..!
oki, here're some photos..taken while we were bored...
Our work desk...
yup, as u can see, it's 10.17 pm..and we were still in EERC...

And this is my good friend, HM.

This is one of her best photos.. WHAHAHAHHA..!! =p


Quarrelled with my parents over a small matter at home just now.

Not because of the grad trip, but something really small...

Got scolded of being thoughtless and blab blab blab... =(

And of course, bad temper got the worst of me and i talked back.

I'm a rebellious child at home.

Cos i realise that i cannot keep quiet over some matters. And many times, i really dislike their way of handling some things..like the way how they, especially my dad, communicate with my youngest brother..

And i detest their poor capability of managing conflicts. =((((

And of course, to them, i am never their good daughter. I am always the most rebellious one. Always fighting for all the possible "sibling rights".

"Probably it's because I'm the eldest. So I've to be the first one to go through a series of restrictions.

Probably it's because I'm restricted, so I'm rebellious."

"Dear Lord, please give me wings to fly, so that i can fly away as far and high as possible."

“如果你愿意 一层 一层 一层 的拨开我的心
你会发现 你会讶异
你是我最爱 最深处的秘密。”
- 杨宗伟《洋葱》

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