Sunday, March 28, 2010

Have broken my frameless specs on thurs night, while i was trying to wipe the right len.. gosh, so clumsy of me..

anyway went to a shop today and got it repaired! haha..guess what?! i've gotten 2 pairs of monthly freshkon comestic contact lens..haha..yesh, those lens which can make my eyes look bigger..whahahaha!!

it's for the musical performance..haha..and also to take the chance to get contact lens! =D


my classmate received a warning letter. The school has now taken a very serious stand towards our attendance. to fulfill at least 75% attendance or else you can't sit in for the examinations. Gosh. And my classmate's attendance is near the borderline towards the danger zone.

Gosh. This is scary and can be very stressful. For the past few tuesdays, i've been skipping classes for the musical's practices. =(


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