Monday, December 06, 2010

Work today was quite amusing, hmm well only to me, i guess.

my boss is back and I had quite an intensive short discussion with her over the phone for an assumingly urgent matter. both of us sounded rather impatient/urgent/anxious with each other and the conversation, after some thoughts, is rather amusing to me. it feels like i had a minor working conflict with my boss, but i kinda embrace such conflict and am looking at it optimistically. conflicts open up frank conversation, which i like that.

talking about frankness in work, i remembered giving a negative feedback to my director about an internal training trial, seriously i dun know where's the courage, i only know that i will give my honest feedback if i really want the trial to be successful. i am taking a risk. a foolish risk, it's possible.

anyway last week i actually told my division boss about my next development progression, took the opportunity to let him know my interest of where i wanna move on next..i mean since he asked..of course i wanna let him know my interest otherwise i may lose the chance..well, see how it goes. keeping my finger crossed cos it may be another foolish risk i took.

last paper tomorrow. Wooh!! i can't wait!

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