Friday, September 02, 2005 i am, having some time to write..haa..

still waiting for my first aid cert from the red cross. hopefully can get it soon, starting to realise how long 4 weeks it can be. then after that, i can start doing public duty in red cross..yeah!!

started to have a feeling of quitting as a corp staff officer..i dun know why suddenly have this idea..maybe kinda sick of it and start to ponder upon some interesting things about uniformed groups. In fact, i have this idea when i joined NCOC a few months ago.

It is interesting about this thing of human mind. In a non-profit organisation cum uniformed group, cadets with lower ranks listen and obey to those of senior ranks. well, of course u can say, this is obvious...but the thing i'm trying to say is, what is the factor which can make the cadets listen to NCOs or officers? is it due to the fear in the rank difference? is it due to the fearsome authority and power the rank can bring to? or is it due to the environment?

Somehow or rather, I start to think: what if one day these cadets do not want to listen to the higher ranks? they rebel. They refuse to listen to instructions cos these instructions have no benefits to them, especially in the situation of military punishments. It's easy to solve if it were to target at an "out-cast". But what if it's the whole group who rebel? How are the higher ranks going to handle? by rules of punishments? But if what they are prepared for the risks predicted and aim to rebel? I do think of this situation and I cannot think of any solutions to this designated problem. Fear only succumbs me.

People seems to fear the created invisible fearsome. Ranks are a form of symbolism of higher power and authority. Ranks are created and thus are expected to be respected. I have no idea what's human thinking of. Truly, humans are simply the most sophiscated and contradictory animals. Well, probably because they think.

Still don't understand what i am trying to say? it's okay cos i have not figured out the answer to my own question. HA!

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