Monday, June 26, 2006

Another post on the same day..hhaa..

Juz writing this the weeee hrs of the night..hhaa..

It've 3yrs n 9 mths ever since i am attached to him - the one...

Time flies real fast and the relationship is still going strong. =) i am glad.

I know very clearly why i like him in the first place and all this while. I am told by my buddy that i am quite a technical person. But to me, this technical personality in me is always the angel to treasure this relationship well.

As the time grows, i grow, he grows. My personalities have changed greatly ever since the release of my 'A' level results. My eyes are more open to the reality and my heart detests the sight. My perceptions change with the reality and my hands can't mould them back. Depression and paranoid often seep into the drain of my heart and drown the chambers of heart. Rescuitation is required constantly to revive it from cardiac arrest.

At some occasions, a by-pass operation is required to clear the hard-core cholesterol-filled cardiac arteries.

The surgeons of the operation - my frens, my family and most importantly him - the one.

* =) cool..someone is going to puke again...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very technical, but still as mushy. LoL. I am back in civilian world!