Saturday, May 09, 2009

It's the first time to get a present for my mum on the mothers' day..

i remember her mentioning some time ago that her wallet has kinda become shabby and torn..

bought her a simple-looking Braun Buffel wallet...and i have to consider myself to be lucky yesterday, seminar ended early..and i managed to find and buy the wallet fast..and haha..I managed to find that kind of wallet design which my mum is looking for, on this brand. After looking through many brands, i still prefer Buffel..the design is simple looking yet beautiful and not flashy at all. Also, partly due to my wallet, it's the same brand and i'm loving it..haha..the design's its subtle beauty which i'm loving.

anyway my mum's happy that she has a new wallet.. =D


Quite an interesting chat with one of my colleague yesterday during the train ride to the east..kinda learnt more from him..and i can say he is one of the few guys whom i know who knows what he wants in his romantic relationship and he is a man with healthy principles which he holds on very firmly. And he recognises that a r/s is never perfect and it's the two-way communication which patches up the imperfection. Also probably cos of his interaction with his religion which he shares with his gf, all these factors seem to maintain a r/s for so long (they've been together for about 7 to 8 yrs..getting married soon)..

It's kinda interesting to learn that he used to be in the same graduation batch as me, saw him in lectures and lab sessions..but never got to talk to him till now when we are in the same company and under the same department. And yet today, I've learnt quite a lot from him. He never literally gives me a whole series of lectures, etc..but listening to his narration of a small portion of his life, I've learnt a lot and it firms up many of my thoughts.

I thank God for giving me the chance to learn from this colleague.


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