Sunday, August 26, 2007

the day went on as usual. and today's lecture by huang shi fu was super bored.. (T_T) Dozed off in the end.
First, cos i'm fatigue. Second, cos i'm bored.

Decided not to go for the interview session for one of the overseas volunteer trip. Looked through the video clip for last year's trip..Not really interest me a lot, probably cos the living conditions being protrayed seems to be comparatively good, compared to the one which Chia Se team went last year. From the video clip, the kids still have a very clean and big room to study. With proper clean uniforms, with big and clean chairs and tables, unlike the kids in Kim Bai.

So, even if i were to go for the interview, i dun think i could convince the interview committee that i am passionate of being involved in next year's trip.

hahahh.. =p

need to start to get my plans implemented as soon as possible. i am starting to feel fat.. (T_T)

sigh, it's tough to be a lady in today's world.

ok, me got to go...have many things to do...

sian ah.............................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hahah..been listening to the "Secret" movie OST the whole day. ahha...find the tracks super nice......!!!!

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