Wednesday, December 26, 2007

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL..!!! have busy days...

lots of wonderful gatherings..!!

hmm..allow me to narrate day by day...



23rd Dec:

met up with ZJ they all for the whole day...klunch in the morning..xmas shopping..

arg...n i almost found a gift which i've been finding for the past few days...!! n in the end, i could not get it cos the design of the gift disappointed me greatly... =(

but anyway xmas shopping was good..!! n probably i know why shopping can be crazy...what u initially wanna buy, u din manage to get it in the end and buy another thing for urself..hhaa..

hmm..bought myself a pair of the shade..!! n this is how i look..


so how do i look?


went to a tribal shop too...n i love tribal bags...!! goodness me...

went to ZJ's house after the shopping..Cookie's so so so cute...!! it's more chubby now, n it's happier now..!!

hhaa..n we were looking through the old photos. in fact, i only managed to look through the photos after a short nap =p

n much we've changed....n all of us have changed to look better n better...hhaa..


24th Dec:

Steamboat gathering with my attachment company's colleagues at one of their houses..!!!

Played Wii at her house...very nice game console...the Wii sports game is very interactive n absolutely addictive..!! and it's the first time when i actually scored so many strikes in a bowling game..!! hahhaa...i love Wii...

Steamboat plus a bit of fruit wine of 6-7% alcohol..and i realised tat that percentage of alcohol is considered small...i was not drunk at all..i thought i could not hold any alcohol..hhaa..hmmm..probably could try higher alcohol content next time...hahaha..!! =p

anyway the fruit wine tasted bitter...with a tinge of sweetness...

but i think i'll go alcoholic nuts if i went


hmmm..another gathering later.. and it's been almost a semester since the last gathering..!

a little nervous =p


oki, shall upload photos tmr..! hahaha..!

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