The second oreo cheesecake which i made, to relieve stress...
This time, it tasted better. But i still wasn't very satisfied with myself. =(
For days.
Dun know why he wanna try my cheesecake so much. Keeps using the reason of him being nice to take care of my 2 "sick" reactors for me. And keep making me feel very guilty if i were not to make cheesecake.
See my mood first la.
Been very stressful over the FYP report.
Dun like to write report..!!! =(
Think i've been very stressed recently, negative thoughts and memories keep pestering me.
Sometimes, i really hope i can suffer from some selective memory loss. Sometimes, i hate myself for having selectively good long-term memory power.
OKi, that sounds very pessimistic.
But thing i've learnt about myself from two of my frens.
"I never/hardly/rarely look stressed even if I am really stressed."
Hmm..think cos i've experienced more deadly stress before. So all these are still considered bearable and manageable to me.
oki, gonna go liao..need to 闭门修炼七七四十九天 。。。
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