Saturday, August 09, 2008

08 08 08 =)

Hee hee..everyone, please say "hi" to my 2 new boyfriends...hahaha..wonder when can start using them..Hoooo..excited excited~~~ =D


Been a great friday. =D

Been joking with my colleague, Jas, about one guy whom we met during a meeting. basically both of us have the common agreement that the guy is kinda good-looking and he looks in his late 20s (nearing 30). hhaa..had another meeting with him and his other partner today. He did not follow us throughout the whole meeting, which both of us were kinda "disappointed" (whhaha). Anyway both of us kept laughing over the jokes we made. Joked of how we were going to fight over him etc etc..What made me more embarrassed was when Jas asked his partner a question. Made me blush for an instant. (-____-)'s mad friday today.

Met up with some of my NTU clinque just now in city hall. Been great catching up with them in ting dai feng restaurant.

QL met up with us after the dinner and brought us to one pub in boat quay..

All of us ordered a bottle of martel (taste almost the same as chivas). and we started drinking and playing all sorts of game - dices, fists, cards....i love playing the fist game..hahaha..DLY who sat beside me often gotten the drinking punishment from me.. =p initially had the intention of making him go drunk, but later after seeing him getting kinda "high"..hmmm..if i din remember wrongly, all of us started to stop him from drinking. haha..

Can't remember what the name of this pub is, but i like it when we can request for songs to sing. haha..

Been a fun gathering, it's been a very long time since i ever had so much fun. Think it's all the stress from work which motivates me to have fun during play.

Too bad KH wasn't there. Believe his presence will inject more fun into such gathering. hahah..but must make sure i win him more in the fist game. haha.. =p

Hope can have another gathering finish up the rest of the bottle. =p hahhahaa..


Tomorrow's another dinner. haha..another drinking session...but this time, it's wine..!!! yeah~wonder what kind of wines my colleague had bought..excited excited.. =p


My bro's back from the jungle training..~~! And his hair has grown longer~! hahaha...


Anyway HAPPY NATIONAL DAY, my loyal readers~! =D

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