Monday, August 25, 2008

Probably my sacrifice for skipping one tcm lesson pays off.

my boss sent my draft over to my director for review.

it's like a teacher giving a grade to a student's test.

i've gotten a "well done" for it. =)

okay, still need to keep on going. this is not enough.


at home right now. and everyone is walking in and out of my room. arg.

i need some private time to myself.

i need peace and solitary.


came across this article: "Dating Commitment Phobia"

can't agree with what the columnist writes.

sometimes, people develop that phobia is not because "they are unable to lead their regular lifestyles".

It's because they have lost faith in what they had strongly believed before.

The greatest fear of a person is to fear himself/herself.


Had deleted some paragraphs in my previous post.


For some reasons, emotion got the worst of me and i know it's nothing to do with stress. Teared quite a couple of times. probably it's been accumulating within me for the past few days, and i just control or simply ignore it.

but at least i feel better now.

oki, gonna go. target to finish my work by tonight.

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