Sunday, September 21, 2008

Tried practising acupunture onto myself..tried out those "safe" acupuncture points..haa..

was quite shocked to see that the toes on my left foot turned cyanosis when i poked one acupunture on my left calf.
It was only when i sought consultation from my acupuncture lecturer, I learnt that it's nothing to do with my technique, but the fact is that i'm really not very healthy.

Prevention is better than cure - that's what I need to do.


Ever since I've been attached to AG, I've been receiving tips from different people - my colleagues, my tcm classmate..

Two tips which trigger food for thought in me:
1. Guys tend to be careless and insensitive at times. It's not their fault. So it's the ladies to teach their bfs.
2. We ladies cannot let guys climb over our heads. Men listen and fulfil to what their gfs request.

hmm..i can understand about tip no.1..but tip no.2...

Na..i'm a believer in a r/s which each other compromises, not obliging.

Hmmm..before i'm attached, I do have developed such a phobia that if i were to be too nice to my bf, eventually, gradually, probably my presence'll be taken for granted.
Guess that's what most ladies are facing the same worry as me?

My colleague once told me before - If I'm too nice to others, I can be easily taken for granted or even others will climb over my head.

But going to take Tip No.2 into my consideration. I still hold on to my belief, my principles.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Learn from what yr Buddy Have go thru..