Monday, November 20, 2006

19th day | 20th day

// 19th day //

Help us at all times to remember our responsibility to ourselves.
Help us, never to act in such a way that we shall lose our self-respect.
Never to let ourselves down by doing something which is mean and low, disloyal and dishonourable;
Help us at all times to remember our responsibilities to our fellowmen.
Help us, Not to be the kind of people who are always remembering their rights and always forgetting their duties.
Not to be the kind of people who want to get everything out of life and nothing into it;
Help us at all times to remember our responsibilities to you.
Help us to remember that we shall answer to you for the way we have used the gifts you gavce us...
*the remaining sentences are more religious, so not intending to put them here, so as to respect everyone's religious belief.*

// 20th day //

Help us to remember that;
There is no achievement without work;
There is no learning without study;
There is no skill of body or of mind without discipline.

Help us to remember that,
There is no purity without vigilance;
There is no friendship without loyalty;
There is no love without the death of self.

Help us to remember that,
There is no joy without service;
There is no disciplineship without devotion,
There is no crown without a cross.

So help us to be willing to pay a price that we may enter into our reward.

// Reflections //

Trying to be good is very difficult. SIgh. Why do people go through so many stages of tests? for future judgement? or for evaluation of self-worth?

I know not all the time, i can be a nice person. I know there are times when i've failed to fulfill my many responsibilities.

// Stuff //

Later at 1300, my french theory exam. Hope everything goes smooth and well. Hope can finish the paper fast so that i can have more time to study for my hydraulics exam which is tomorrow...

AHHH... je suis fatiguee...

But i will KANBATTE...!!!

KANBATTE, everyone...!!!!!!!! KKKKAAANNNBBBATTTEEEE..!! *kanbatte in short*haha

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