Saturday, January 05, 2008

finally finished watching "Hwang Jin Yi" the last episode the most..
it's a great drama..which u could distinguishingly see and experience the development of Hwang Jin Yi..
not only tat, u could actually learn valuable life lessons from the whole show.
it's not about avoiding being a courtesan. that's not the main point which the whole show is trying to put across.'s something about learning attitude.
Everyone around us praises us for being good/best, and we think we belong to the cream of the crop.
arrogance is the biggest hindrance towards improvements.
Arrogance and Improvement are each other's enemy.
Positive learning attitude brings you around.
Many times, great teachers do not teach us, using the soft method. Most of the times, they let us learn in the hard way. Learning in the hard way may be tough, but it brings us throughout the whole life. It teaches us to be even stronger than before,
it teaches us to be more independently in learning,
it teaches us to use our brains more.
And i feel great teachers dun like apple-polishers. If these teachers like apple-polishers, I feel they are not great at all.
Cos they dun embrace humans, they embrace words.
Actions speak louder than words.
Last but not least, sincerity is important in the inter-personal relationship.
As long as there're people around us, if we really wanna earn respect but not fear, sincerity is probably the action.
All of us may have heard such many times.
but how many of us really put these words in their actions?
In fact, i can honestly tell you - i can't carry out all these values all the time. But i could say we need to constantly remind ourselves and do self-reflection everyday.
in the future, i'll see a lot of contradictions when i enter the working society.
i'll be traumatised by the dogs' world.
but and caution would be something i've to carry to work daily.
Probably this is part of humanity.
Humans are the most contradictory animals in the planet.
Alright, those are my reflections after watching the whole show. =p
Not going to teach tuition, after some consideration and parental advices.
So, which means, i will have more time to my studies.
hmmm..last semester before graduation...and it's the first semester which i may have no work at all (i've been giving private tuitions since year one of uni).
feel a little empty and heartbreaking when i need to withdraw money from my account.
but then again...thank goodness that i've saved well...
Finally finished watching the whole of "Hwang Jin Yi"..and i can start focusing on the academic stuff now...yeahhhh........
Yes..! So excited..! Seeing Huang Shi Fu later in the evening..!! HaPPpy HapPpYy..!!

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