Thursday, April 24, 2008

Today's interview was a total flop.


it's a very good eye-opener.'s not an interview for an engineering position. It's a banking position, which i just tried out (trying my luck =p ). And I realised that it's not a managment trainee program, which i thought i heard over the phone. (But anyway, this is not the main issue here.)

Was kinda stunned by the interview questions. The questions mainly evolved with the topics on how well the person knows the job scope and the personal outlook on the local financial market.
And so, I had to admit and i admitted honestly to the interviewer that i am not well-read on this.

So arg...a total disappointment about myself and i don't expect myself making into the 2nd round of the interview. =p

But upon looking at the bright side of things, I know what i've to look out for to improve on myself. And I must give myself a pat on my shoulder that I'm brave enough to apply for such a job position.
I've to look at the right side of things, and stop giving myself excuses for not performing well in the interview.


一山还比一山高。Was glad that i was selected for this interview so that i can have a good feel of another interviewing style (if i look at its bright side).

Hope everything will go smoothly for me.

I need to take good care of my own health now.

My body is giving signals. And one of the signals is pretty scary to me cos I've never seen such signal in my body before.

Probably such awareness could be attributed to the tcm knowledge which i'm acquring and accumulating. I am more aware of the signals which my body is giving out.

However, i've not much idea of how to treat myself - what kind of pills to take etc etc..and i dislike myself for being so ignorant and helpless. =(

I need to have quality rest.

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