Saturday, April 05, 2008

today's test was pretty okay..hee..and i've gotten back my fyp draft report.

hmm..i was happy that i've changes to make in my fyp report, though HB looked kinda disappointed... =p

probably i am happy that i know what and how to improve upon my report..haha.. =p

so, anyway went out with LA to catch a movie. Initially wanna catch the horror movie "The Orphanage"..however, due to the horrible screening schedule (it seems to be screened only in the night), decided to watch this movie instead..haa...

"The Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon" (三國之見龍卸甲)

Hmm..the theme of romance is very minute, so dun expect to see any big-time exclusive love scene.
However, the show can be pretty gruesome, a lot of throat-slashing those who are scared of blood (especially DLY...haha..), do be mentally prepared before you start yelling for all the splendid blood surging..haha.. =p

Definitely the director does show the most famous story of Zhao Zilong saving Liu Bei's son Ah Dou, and a little sneak "preview" of Zhao's horse - 赤兔 .

hmm..the only dissatisfaction for me is the image of Zhang Fei. In this movie, Zhang Fei doesn't very look fearsome to me, or as described in the classic novel.

And also, there's one scene which can be quite comical - where two generals were yelling at the top of their voices, exclaiming their respective patrotism to each other. Looks as if they were trying to compete who can yell the loudest. Looks pretty childish though. =p

Overall, this movie is worth a grab. To sit in the cinema and enjoy all the super quick motions of slashing, which many times, you may just even sit there, calculating the acceleration and probably momentum of the slashing of those weapons which can create such blurry visions..
Probably even wonder, like Issac Newton, which Newton's laws are these scenes obeying to.

haha..anyway to put it simply, worth the watch. =)


Saw my classmate SH and his gf in the mall..hhaa..felt a little awkward? whhaha..

Generally, the day's been spent well and relaxing, before starting the intense preparation of examinations..!!! haha..

haha..oki, guess that's all i wanna say in here.

Jiayou, everyone..!! =D

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